
Sales CRM System (using SmartSalesAdmin™)
CRM Logos - HubSpot Pipedrive Batchbook AddressTwo

No matter which CRM system you choose (and we can work with more than just these four), there are a couple key challenges you will face:

  1. Getting your sales team to use it on a daily basis, documenting each touch point with a client/prospect as far as …
    1. What did I just do?
    2. What do I need to do next and when?
    3. Did I move the client/prospect to the next stage of the sales pipeline?

  2. Establishing a Management Dashboard of real-time analytics with appropriate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to allow for …
    1. Tracking of key activities that lead to closing sales as quickly as possible
    2. Accurate forecasting of Sales Revenues
    3. Managing for results

We utilize an unconventional methodology, coupled with intelligent sales administrative assistance, to help you get your CRM system and other sales and marketing tools configured and organized in such a way that both the sales team and management will be happy with the process and results.

SmartSalesAdmin™ removes the administrative pain so your sales reps can focus on selling.

Badu Networks Logo“We use HubSpot CRM. What Chris showed me in only 10 minutes solved 90% of the sales and marketing problems that have been plaguing us for months!”
– Tony Wong, Co-Founder & VP Marketing, Badu Networks

For more information or a free online demo and consultation, please call us at (714) 822-4747, or send an email to